
As I turn the corner and enter the narrow street of Hanbury, I see my quarry standing near the fence that separates the courtyard from the street. He seems to be waiting there, why?  I move as quickly as I dare and as I get within 10 yards, I realize he is listening to a conversation coming from inside the courtyard. My opportunity has come, he moves through the gate and I get to the fence just as I hear the name Jack. I stop looking at him and turn to peer into the darkness seeing two women standing in the corner of the courtyard. There is a grey pallor to their skin and one has teeth bared like a rabid dog, with the fangs to match!  She is hissing with eyes glowing red, wild white hair atop a face filled with such hatred, while the other has golden curls flowing around her angelic face. She is saying, Jack, Jack, stay away and grabs the other woman, keeping her from lunging forward and ripping... ripping Jacks throat!! Good God, what is happening here? Who are these... people??
As my own mouth gaps open, my presence is acknowledged and the women flee. Jack moves after them, but stops on the spot where they were just standing, one arm outstretched reaching for the beautiful ghost-like woman who vanished before both our eyes. I get as far as the body location, now cold in the morgue, and stop myself. Jack turns to face me and says, "I am not who you believe me to be. No harm will come to you, but you must stay away." At that moment I realized he wasn't my enemy, but he knew who was.
In a flash he was gone too, leaving me standing in the place of death wondering if the last hour was some freak nightmare; no, I am not that lucky...

© Mary Evans Picture Library, used with permission.

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